Monday, November 26, 2007


It's Not Easy Bein' Green (or is it?)

Late to the party as usual, our industry is missing one of the most powerful marketing opportunities in history: The Green Movement! Whether or not you are a "true believer," this is a boat not to be missed. The environment is hot (no global warming jokes please), and your clients want to know what you are doing about it.

Here are a few quick examples.

The 'Green Movement' is a BIG thing these days! Of course we, at XYZ Landscape Company have been at it for years.

We decided years ago that the landfills didn't need the grass clippings or leaves that we collect from our clients' properties, so we made a bold move in 19__. That is when we began to use mulching mowers during the times of year when there are no leaves to collect. The benefits to your lawn are well-known (list them), but we are also doing our part for the planet by keeping this "green gold" out of the landfills.

Likewise, when we collect your leaves in the fall, those too are recycled. Through a process of grinding and aerating this "waste" is turned into compost which is returned to the earth in the form of organic fertilizer!

These are just a few of the things we've been doing, long before "green" was cool!

In our continuing efforts to help the planet, we are researching less chemical-intensive ways to deal with pests and diseases, as well as ways to conserve fuel. We will keep you posted!


Green is in! Of course we've been green for years. It's the "green industry" after all! We've been into recycling since ____. In our ongoing efforts to do our part for the environment, we thought we'd let our valued clients know that recent research in storm water management has given us some new, eco-friendly options. Namely, these are rain gardens and bioswales. These creatures may not be what you think they are. Essentially, these are potentially attractive methods to deal with storm water on your property, without channeling it directly into storm sewers. Not only do you get an attractive feature in your property, but you also get to do your part to replenish the aquifers. Please contact one of our consultants to find out if your property is a good candidate for this type of feature!


Same pitch, but use it to mention that with every irrigation system our company installs/specifies, we include an electronic rain sensor, which shuts off the system during periods of rain, thus conserving water and saving the planet, yadda, yadda yadda.


In an effort to increase communication with our clients and reduce the amount of paper that ends up in the landfill, XYZ Landscape Company has made the commitment to go to a paperless newsletter. Enclosed is a postage-paid postcard with your name already o it. If you would kindly provide us with your email address, we'll make sure you don't miss an issue! OR A representative from our company will be contacting you in the coming weeks to confirm your email address.

LASTLY (and the easiest one!)
Plant trees!
Is there anything new here? Nope. But why not get some added marketing out of things you're doing already?

Now it's your turn.

Please share real-life examples of how the green industry can get greener, and how we can use the green movement to improve or promote our businesses!